Re-Connecting Nature® microbial extract

In today's world, the gradual shift towards urban living and increased sanitation has led to a significant disconnection from the rich biodiversity that our ancestors enjoyed. This loss of contact with nature, especially in Western societies, has not only impacted our health but has also sparked a public conversation about the need for health-enhancing beauty products backed by clinical efficacy.

Amidst growing concerns over the exponential rise in autoimmune diseases, which are increasing annually at rates between 3% and 9%, the role of environmental factors has come under scrutiny. This backdrop sets the stage for the revolutionary impact of Re-Connecting Nature™, an innovative microbial extract developed by Uute Scientific.

Restoring Our Lost Connection to Nature

Re-Connecting Nature™ is not just an ingredient; it's a response to the pressing need to restore our lost connection to nature. By leveraging the microbial diversity of Finnish soil, known for its health-promoting properties, this 'world-first' ingredient is scientifically proven to stimulate the immune system, offering a beacon of hope in the fight against rising autoimmune conditions.

The Beauty of Biodiversity

For the skincare industry, Re-Connecting Nature™ brings a transformative approach. This ingredient is designed to recreate a natural balance, enhancing skin health, resilience, comfort, and appearance. It addresses the modern consumer's demand for beauty products that do more than just superficially improve the skin's appearance but also contribute positively to overall health.

Scientifically Backed Benefits

Recent studies by Uute Scientific have shown that Re-Connecting Nature™ can lead to a statistically significant reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokines, promoting skin integrity for enhanced barrier function, faster regeneration and repair, and an increase in age-defying collagen. These benefits are critical in reducing skin redness and irritation, providing a clear indication of the ingredient's potential to revolutionize skincare routines.

A Daily Dose of Finnish Nature

Re-Connecting Nature™ offers a way to bring the microbial diversity of Finnish nature into daily consumer products, making rich microbial exposure accessible to those who lack daily contact with nature. This is particularly significant in light of findings from university studies which suggest that reintroducing natural microbial diversity to the skin can improve immune signaling and reduce inflammation.


As we navigate the challenges of modern living, Re-Connecting Nature™ stands out as a holistic solution that bridges the gap between our urbanized lifestyles and the natural world. Its development marks a significant step forward in our understanding of health and beauty, emphasizing the need to embrace biodiversity for our well-being. With Re-Connecting Nature™, we have the opportunity to reconnect with the natural world, enhancing our health and beauty from the inside out.

Our Innovative Microbiome Mask

Discover the rejuvenating power of the Finnish forest with Henua's Microbiome Mask, featuring the innovative Re-Connecting Nature® microbial extract, aka "Earth´s sprinkle."

This scientifically proven ingredient helps to boosts  skin health by promoting enhanced barrier function, accelerating repair, and reducing redness and irritation.

Combined with Arctic Roseroot and Lingonberry, known for their adaptogenic and skin-nourishing properties, this mask improves firmness, reduces wrinkles, and increases hydration and elasticity. Experience the transformative effects of nature’s finest ingredients for a radiant, youthful complexion.

Order here 


Re-Connecting Nature™ on Uute Scientificin kehittämä mullistavametsä mikrobiuute, joka pyrkii palauttamaan ihmisen yhteyden luontoon. Tuote on suunniteltu vahvistamaan immuunijärjestelmää ja ihon terveyttä lisäämällä mikrobien monimuotoisuutta. Se hyödyntää Suomen luonnon mikrobiston monimuotoisuutta ja on tieteellisesti todistettu vähentävän tulehdusta aiheuttavien sytokiinien määrää, edistäen ihon eheyttä ja vähentäen punoitusta. Tämä innovatiivinen ainesosa on turvallinen ja helppokäyttöinen tapa tarjota päivittäinen annos luonnon monimuotoisuutta kaupunkielämässä eläville.